Destripados: Lenguas Venenosas

TLDR: The truth might hurt. But Destripados' new album, Lenguas Venenosas, reminds us, time and again, that bitter realities can also sound damn fucking good.

Poisonous tongues; that’s the English translation of the title of Portland, Oregon band Destripados’ second album, Lenguas Venenosas.

Obviously, that’s an on-point title for a world tearing itself apart due, in part, to venomous voices and toxic opinions. More than that, think of all those virulent substances leaching from every environmental disaster. Think of those noxious ne’er-do-wells out there deliberately fostering division and bigotry. It’s Hell on Earth, my friend. But Destripados’ stampeding punk is the perfect elixir to purge all the malignant anxiety from your system….

Read the rest of my thoughts on Destripados’ new album via DIY Conspiracy.


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Tomorrow's Ashes #1